If you know of an article, handout, or link that think would be of interest to other coaches please submit it to the NWYSA.
* Soccer Parent Meeting Agenda 7 Essential Items To Include:
Soccer Parent Meeting Agenda - 7 Essential Items To Include - QuickStartSoccer.com
* An Agenda To Effectively Manager A Youth Sports Parent Meeting:
Using an Agenda to Effectively Manage a Youth Sports Parent Meeting - TeamSnap Blog | TeamSnap
* ICA Coaching Ages 4 To 6 Years: HandhoutCoaching4-6.pdf
* ICA Coaching Ages 7 To 8 Years: HandoutCoaching7-8.pdf
* ICA Coaching Ages 9 To 10 Years: HandoutCoaching9-10.pdf
* ICA Coaching Ages 11 To 12 Years: HandoutCoaching11-12.pdf
* ICA Coaching Ages 13 To 14 Years: HandoutCoaching13-14.pdf
* ICA Coaching Ages 15 To 16 Years: HandoutCoaching15-16.pdf
* ICA Coaching The Skills: HandoutCoachingSkills.pdf
* ICA Coaching Methodology: HandoutCoachingMethodology.pdf
* USYSA Coaching Manual: ManualUSYSACoaching.pdf
* US Soccer Curriculum: USSSoccerCurriculum.pdf
* Coaching Soccer 101: http://www.coachingsoccer101.com/
* Competitor Spot: http://competitorspot.com/soccer-warm-up-guide/
* Free Youth Soccer Drills: http://www.freeyouthsoccerdrills.com/
* Say Soccer Resources: https://www.saysoccer.org/Default.aspx?tabid=333065
* Soccer America Soccer Terms Glossary: https://www.socceramerica.com/glossary/
* Soccer Coaches: http://www.soccer-coaches.com/category/soccerdrills/
* Soccer Coach Weekly: https://www.soccercoachweekly.net/
* Soccer Help: https://www.soccerhelp.com/
* Soccer Pilot: http://www.soccerpilot.com/
* Soccer Xpert: https://www.soccerxpert.com/
* Sport Plan: https://www.sportplan.net/drills/Soccer/index.jsp
* Sports Survival Guide: https://www.sportsmomsurvivalguide.com/soccer-coaching-drills/
* Surefire Soccer: https://www.surefiresoccer.com/
* The Coaching Manual: https://www.thecoachingmanual.com/
* Safety Tips for Returning to Sports: https://pacificmedicalacls.com/safety-tips-for-returning-to-sports
* Youth Soccer 101: Home - YouthSoccer101
Formations (System Of Plays) Related
* FAS 5v5 Formations: http://www.5-a-side.com/tactics/5-a-side-formations/
* FAS 6v6 Formations: http://www.5-a-side.com/tactics/6-a-side-formations/
* FAS 7v7 Formations: http://www.5-a-side.com/tactics/7-a-side-formations-the-essential-guide/
* SCP 7v7 Formations: https://www.soccercoachingpro.com/7v7-soccer-formations/
* STL 8v8 Formations: https://soccertraininglab.com/best-formation-for-8v8-soccer/
* SCP 9v9 Formations: https://www.soccercoachingpro.com/9v9-soccer-formations/
* ICA Coaching 11v11 Team Tactics: Handout11v11CoachingTeamTactics.pdf
* TCL 11v11 Formations: https://thechamplair.com/soccer/11v11-formations/
* TMM 11v11 Formations: https://themastermindsite.com/2019/02/23/the-best-formations-for-11v11/
USYSA Player Development Framework
Practice Plan Templates
* Soccer Drive: https://www.soccerdrive.com/free-downloadable-soccer-resources
Playtime Aides
* Sub Time: SubTime | Youth Sports Coaching | Football Soccer Basketball Lacrosse (subtimeapp.com)
* Coach Any: Keep track of substitutions while coaching kids - CoachAny
* Playing Time Calaulator: Playing Time Calculator - Equal Playing Time Calculator
* Soccer ST/PT: Soccer Stats Tracker w/ Playing Time Tracker:Amazon.com:Appstore for Android
NWYSA Player Evaluation Form