Wear & Gear

Player Information List (PIL). One or more will be sent each season, listing the players who have signed up to date before our teams are formed and their orders are placed. Player's name, date of birth, team wear size/s, special request/s, and school. The player’s school is listed should you want to request to be placed with a schoolmate/s. Should your player’s information be missing, incorrect, or you need to revise any information you must let us know by the requested date. If you want to get a different size than what is listed on a PIL after our team orders have been placed, you will need to pay the late add order cost. So it is very important you review the PIL. If all of your information is correct you do not need to reply.

Shinguards must be worn under the player’s socks.

Team Wear
No changes or additions can be made to any team wear without approval nor can any team sponsors be political to include related groups.


Under 2/3/4 Intro Division
* Supplied: Team T-Shirt
* Need: Size #3 Ball
* Optional: Shinguards And Cleats

Under 4/5/6 Rec Division
* Supplied: Team T-Shirt
* Need: Cleats And Shinguards
* Optional: Size #3 Ball

Under 7/8/9 Rec Division
* Supplied: Team T-Shirt
* Need: Cleats And Shinguards
* Optional: Size #4 Ball

Team Hoody
Can Be Worn As A Top In The Games

Under 2/3/4, Under 4/5/6, Under 7/8/9 Team Hoody
- Will Be In The Team Sponsor’s Color And Include The Team Sponsor's Company Logo
- Team Shirt And Team Hoody Player Number Will Match

Intro & Rec Player T-Shirt Sizing Information
* 2-4 = YXS
* 6-8 = YS
* 10-12 = YM
* 14-16 = YL
* 18-20 = YXL


Under 10/11/12 Rec Travel Division
* Supplied: Team Uniform Set (Jersey, Short, Socks)
* Need: Cleats, Shinguards And Size #4 Ball

Under 13/14/15 Rec Travel Division
* Supplied: Team Uniform Set (Jersey, Short, Socks)
* Need: Cleats, Shinguards And Ball Size #5 Ball

Rec Travel Player Uniform Set Sizing Information
* Jersey & Shorts: YM Through AXXL (No YXL)
* Socks: Small/Youth (12.5-4, Medium/Regular (4.5-8), Large/King (8.5-13)
* SCORE Sizing Chart:  

Team Hoody
Can Be Worn As A Top In The Games

Under 10/11/12, Under 13/14/15 Team Hoody
- Will Be In The Team's Color And Include The Wolfpack Logo
- Team Jersey And Team Hoody Player Number Will Not Match

Rec Travel Player Uniform Set
Either the pictured or similar jerseys, solid black shorts, and solid black socks.

Alternate Rec Travel Player Shorts And Socks
A player may wear alternate shorts and socks if they are solid or primarily black in games and pictures.

Alternate Rec Travel Player Items
A player may not wear non Northwest Wolfpack items in games and pictures.  If possible, a player is asked to use white, royal blue, or black for cold weather items under their jersey and shorts in games and pictures.

Under 10/11/12 Team

Under 13/14/15 Team

Under 13/14/15 Team Miscellaneous Wear Store
NORTHWEST YSA X NEW GEN SPORTS 2/2 (newgensportsgroup.shop)